Pocono Mountain Labyrinth Retreat

The Country Place Retreat - White Haven, PA

Using, Building, and Facilitating the Labyrinth 

Friday-Sunday May 20-22, 2005

A great group of people, great food, great location, moonlight, good music

=  a beautiful Renewal Labyrinth! 5/21/05        all photo rights reserved


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'Centering' : the first step

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The Vitruvian Man, Pocono

Mountains  style

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Aliens landed to help us build the labyrinth

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We spent time learning as well as doing!

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A few happy "Rockers" pause as the labyrinth takes shape

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A few workers contemplate after a fulfilling labyrinth building session.

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Most of the Team, except the photographer of course!

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The vinyl Renewal labyrinth dries out in my backyard after it was rained on at the retreat!

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The final result! photo by Dale Dressler (c) 2005

Experience the Labyrinth Renewal Process
Indoor Chartres Labyrinth
Gain hands on experience building a stone Renewal Labyrinth
Instruction in Sacred Geometry and Labyrinth Design
Seminar on Labyrinth Facilitation
Friday - 'Drum-in' the labyrinth site
Saturday- Performance by Felicia Rose
An Incredible spiritual retreat in the country
Massage Therapy available(extra cost)
Retreat Leaders: Jane Marie Downey, John E. Ridder,  Special Musical Guest: Felicia Rose

Jane M. Downey

A corporate trainer and labyrinth facilitator who has had over 2,500 people participate in her labyrinth programs nationwide. www.clarityconceptsinc.com

John E. Ridder

A well-known labyrinth builder & workshop speaker.  He uses sacred geometry to design labyrinths of many types and materials!  www.paxworks.com

Felicia Rose

With incredible vocal purity, Rose delivers stories with outstanding guitar playing and powerful lyrics.    www.feliciarose.com

Country Place Retreat Is in the Beautiful Pocono Mountains,  Two hours from NYC or Philadelphia at Intersection of I-80 and Route 476  site info:  www.retreatpa.com